Demonstrate thinking skills

As you progress through creating your product/outcome you need to document the following:
Problems you encountered and how you critically and creatively solved these problems 
How you have transferred an applied information to make decisions when creating your product/outcome (explicitly explain at least 2 primary sources and at least 4 secondary sources -how have you applied this research to your product/outcome?) 
Skills you developed as you created your product/outcome 
How your prior-learning informed the creation of your product/outcome 
How your knowledge and skills have grown throughout the creation of your product/outcome 
How have you designed improvements

During my project process, I did not have many problems, but clearly I did struggle a bit, especially with my final product. I already had all the ideas and a strictly organized work plan so that everything was ready by the indicated date, but Due to family problems I could not meet the final product delivery date. So my solution was to deliver it through my blog, here you will find all the products that make up my book, such as the photos you use, the chapters of the chapters and the introduction of the book. Later, I sent it digitally as an e-book until I could print it and have it ready for the presentation on April 13, 2018. While I was in the creation of my product I was able to develop many organizational skills, critical thinking to make very simple decisions how to decide which colors to use until a few more serious ones as to decide something to guide my project and the product (which in this case was the wheel of emotions made by Robert Plutchik).
My previous knowledge about my topic was very little, because I had already had experiences with photography in different projects outside of school, but that was for a photography project in an athletics competition, after that competition I also had the opportunity to work with an animal photo for an Instagram account but it was never as serious as this investigation that I was developing, so somehow my knowledge about photography helped me a bit to start, but while I was doing all the personal project tasks I was playing I also learned and improved aspects, about emotions I did not have much knowledge, because my topic was initially about personalities, but talking with my supervisor in one of those meetings we had, we realized that this could be very general, and that's why I managed to change it before it was too late.

My knowledge about photography and some things about psychology grew too much, because in this process, besides being able to clarify doubts that I always had, I was able to find my strengths and weaknesses, in the creation of the product and also in my personal strengths and weaknesses, such as organization, Think, be more open-minded, learn to listen to the opinions of others, work in a group and fulfill a goal that I myself decide on my own


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